Storage Of Beans

Storage Of Beans
Storage Of Beans

Beans are a culture that has survived for millennia. It has played an important role in feeding the two continents between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A number of archaeological studies prove that as early as the sixth millennium BC. beans are grown in Peru.

Back then, the main source of protein and food for people living far from the sea were small black beans - primitive varieties of today's culture. It is widely believed that the second independent center for growing the plant is Mexico. There are still populations of the wild species Phaseolus vulgaris.

Nowadays, beans are grown all over the world. In Europe, and then in Africa and Asia, he came with the Portuguese soon after the discovery of America by Columbus.

In the beginning and long after that all legumes had climbing stems. The forms with bushy growth known to us today were selected only in the last century. They are more convenient to grow and do not require expensive supporting structures.

Varieties of beans differ mainly in color, size and shape of the beans. Smilyan beans are the most popular in Bulgaria. The color of its grains is not strictly defined and varies from variegated to completely white. It is recognizable by the taste and size of its beans - up to 3 cm in length.

Ripe beans
Ripe beans

All types of beans are rich in carbohydrates - up to 60% of their weight is due to these energy sources. Half of them are dietary fiber, and the other are protein, water and almost negligible amount of fat. In addition, delicious beans are rich in iron, potassium, molybdenum, selenium and vitamin B6.

Once harvested, the beans can be stored for years. However, this is only provided that it is stored properly and appropriately.

It is best to keep the beans in a dry, cool and pest-free place. It is good to be spread on a newspaper or other surface. Some store it in sachets, but this increases the risk of moisture.

Virtually any type of moisture can destroy small dried ripe beans. The green beans are dried in the shade and stored in paper bags. It should be noted that over time, the taste and aroma of beans gradually decrease.
