Improving Metabolism

Improving Metabolism
Improving Metabolism

Some people are gifted by nature with the ability to stuff themselves with whatever and as much as they want and not gain weight, while others even fill with salad.

Obesity problems can be corrected if metabolism is improved. Metabolism, also known as metabolism, is the rate at which our body converts nutrients from food into energy.

Much of it - up to sixty-five percent - goes to maintain vital functions: breathing, heartbeat, organ function. Twenty-five percent is needed for movement and the remaining ten - for food absorption.

The amount of energy consumed must be equal to the amount consumed. Only then the weight is normal. But sometimes you keep track of what you eat, lead an active life, and the rings pile up.

In such cases, the balance is disturbed because your metabolism is too slow, calories from food are consumed very slowly and the body is building up reserves.

The rate of metabolic processes is genetically acquired, but may change slightly. People with large bones and large amounts of adipose tissue have a slower metabolism.

You need to work on increasing muscle mass and reducing fat stores. A pound of muscle burns an extra forty calories a day.

Improving metabolism
Improving metabolism

Reduce your intake of sweets, fats and fries and add more protein to your diet: the body uses more energy to absorb them than carbohydrates.

After the thirty-fifth year, the speed of metabolic processes slows down by about five percent. The main reason is the decrease in physical activity.

To be slim, maintain an active lifestyle. Jogging, cycling, swimming and simple climbing stairs without an elevator will help to normalize metabolism.

When you are on a diet, you make your body waste its reserves. But he parted with them reluctantly and sought to slow down his metabolism. When you stop the diet, your metabolism is still slow and the weight returns quickly.

It is important not to feel constantly hungry. It is best to lose no more than a pound a week if you want to keep the results for a long time.

When you are under stress, your body needs a lot of energy to recover, so it is very likely that you reach for sweets.

Instead of stuffing yourself with cakes and biscuits, focus on dried fruits, because fat accumulates around the organs and thus interferes with their work.
