Kaffir Lime Leaves: How To Cook With An Exotic Spice?

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Video: Kaffir Lime Leaves: How To Cook With An Exotic Spice?

Video: Kaffir Lime Leaves: How To Cook With An Exotic Spice?
Kaffir Lime Leaves: How To Cook With An Exotic Spice?
Kaffir Lime Leaves: How To Cook With An Exotic Spice?

Kaffir lime leaves are a key ingredient in Thai cuisine as well as in other cuisines in Southeast Asia. They are probably one of the most fragrant spices and are a great addition to many soups, curries, french fries and what not. The thick leaves are dark green and shiny on one side and pale and porous on the other.

Kaffir lime leaves they are not the same as those of ordinary lime. The fruits themselves are very bitter with uneven skin. They are not consumed in Thailand, but are mainly used in the production of household cleaners.

The leaves are very fragrant and can be consumed if cooked or very thinly sliced. They are "hourglass" shaped "double" leaves, which means that they split in the end. They can be purchased fresh, frozen or dried.

Note that dry leaves are not as fragrant as fresh or frozen ones. A pack of fresh leaves will last you a year or more if frozen well. Take one or two leaves when you need them, then wrap the rest and return them to the freezer until the next time.

Cooking with kaffir lime leaves

Kaffir lime leaves are often used in Thai cuisine
Kaffir lime leaves are often used in Thai cuisine

You can accept leaves of Kafir lime as the Asian equivalent of bay leaf. They can be added whole to your dishes, and can also be cut into very thin strips and added along with other spices or used as a topping for many recipes.

The best way to prepare them is to cut them very thinly (into pieces) with clean scissors, discarding the central stem (vein). Frozen leaves can be used immediately, or rinsed briefly under hot water to thaw and remove the aroma.

Many Thai recipes contain these leaves as a key ingredient, such as chicken, curry, chicken with rice and Thai mussels. If a recipe requires inflorescence leaves and you can't find them don't replace them with another ingredient - skip them. There is no substitute for this unique taste that is given to the dish by kaffir lime leaves.
