What Is A Crotilla?

What Is A Crotilla?
What Is A Crotilla?

Meet Crotila - a product known as the intersection of the croissant with the tortilla. Through this culinary innovation, Walmart proves to us that we have not yet tried all possible food hybrids. The shape of the Trot is round and resembling a tortilla, but its taste is much more inclined to the butter croissant dough.

At first you will probably wonder how exactly the Crotils are eaten, because you can't easily roll them like a doner, but they are not as thick as a croissant, for example.

However, if you visit Walmart and decide to buy this product (for $ 4 you will receive a box containing 8 crots) you will be facilitated with the ideas for their preparation, as the company has developed its own list of proposals in which the use of Crotils is great:

Trot Margarita - with tomatoes and basil (replaces the need for a simple pizza pan);

Trony for breakfast combined with scrambled eggs, cheese and sausage;

Mediterranean-flavored tame - with chicken, cucumber and tzatziki sauce;

Tame with honey and butter, sprinkled with powdered sugar;

Chocolate-cinnamon roll with strawberries and cream (again, we remind you that rolling is a little harder, but from creams Crotila softens);

Pieces of Tronilla for melting in various dips;

Caprese Crotila - served with olive oil, mozzarella and basil.

These are not all possible recipes in which you can include this food hybrid, but they are a good foundation on which you can step while enjoying the new taste.

We cannot dispute the fact that Walmart is a company that tries in every way to provoke and surprise its fans. We can't even imagine what the next culinary invention will be, after soon there is talk of sushi donuts, spaghetti donuts and cinnamon pretzels on the market.