Senkach Or Shakotis - The Most Unconventional Traditional Cake

Senkach Or Shakotis - The Most Unconventional Traditional Cake
Senkach Or Shakotis - The Most Unconventional Traditional Cake

Senkach - a sweet dessert made of biscuit-butter dough, baked on an open grill, in the shape of a wooden shaft or an open cone. It is believed to have originated in German cuisine, but its origins are still unclear. Today it is a regional specialty in Germany (Harz and Saxony-Anhalt mountains), Switzerland, France, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Sweden, Poland (Kashubia), Sudovia, Podlaskie Voivodeship.

The finished shade, also known as Shakotis, looks like a cut log, which is why it is called Wood Cake. As a result of successive watering of the dough, the darker, baked layers of the cake are visible when cut, which is reminiscent of the annual rounds of felled wood.

The dough that spreads during baking forms uneven tops, which give the effect of wood. The finished eyeshadow can be sprinkled with icing or chocolate.

The history of the shadow in its modern form dates back to the Middle Ages. Poles learn the recipe and cooking technology from the Yatvyagi, Baltic tribes living in the medieval terrains north of Mazovia. This type of huge cake could be easily made in open ovens, and its spectacular appearance goes back to nature and resembles a tree that meets the tastes of the era.

Later in the future, the technique of baking the dough on an open grill has been known since prehistoric times.

Nowadays, the tradition of making a shade / see the gallery / has been preserved in different parts of Germany, Switzerland, France, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Sweden and of course - in Poland. Interestingly, Shadow is also one of the favorite pastries in Japan, where they prefer it baked.

About the origin of shadow there are different versions and, as usual, contradictory legends. According to one of them, the oldest recipe is of a wandering medieval journeyman who worked for a famous gingerbread baker in Berlin, who became acquainted with the dough and its specific processing in Cottbus.

The Shadower is associated with Berlin through a manuscript from 1682 - Spicy Bread and All Sorts of Pasta by Johannes Sigismund Elsholz, a physician in the court of the Elector of Saxony, who mentions the cake in question as a Berlin specialty.

In Poland, tradition recognizes that the first shaders were baked in the Berżniki area near Sejny in the Court on the occasion of Queen Bona Sforza's visit. According to other sources, Shakotis was brought to Lithuania from Germany, and then through the noble estates they reached the richest peasants.

Its preparation is time consuming and takes at least a few hours in which you have to stand by the fire and water the mixture every time you turn the shaft. To make a shade with dimensions of about 50 cm in height, you need a kilogram of sugar and flour and 40 eggs. Extremely spectacular and beautiful cake that you should try.
