

Sepiida is a class of cephalopod mollusks, highly valued by lovers of seafood. The body of cuttlefish is of different sizes. In some species it is about 25 centimeters long, and in others it can exceed 50 centimeters. The weight of the mollusk can exceed 10 kilograms. The torso is elongated and vertebral-flattened. It can be painted in different colors, and in males the colors are more interesting.

Cuttlefish have the ability to change the color of their body, and this happens when the mollusk tries to acquire the same color as its surroundings. Thus it is less noticeable to its enemies. A distinctive feature of cuttlefish are their tentacles. They are ten in number and are located at their front end, around the mouth. One of the most common species is Sepia officinalis.

Characteristics of cuttlefish

Sepia inhabits coastal waters and can be found at a depth of 200 meters. They prefer salt waters belonging to the subtropical and tropical climate zones. Cuttlefish are known for the ink substance they produce, also called cuttlefish paint. This fluid is released from the mollusk when it feels threatened and needs to be protected. With the help of sepia paint it manages to hide from enemies.

Sepia in can play both the role of victim and the role of attacker. It is a predator whose menu includes inconspicuous crustaceans and small fish. Cuttlefish are separately sexual molluscs. In them, fertilization is carried out externally. For this purpose, one of the tentacles of the specimen takes over the functions of a copulatory organ. Cuttlefish move relatively quickly. Thanks to their tentacles, they can develop a speed of 31 kilometers per hour.

Composition of cuttlefish

Cuttlefish is a mollusk that is a source of a bunch of beneficial elements, including potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and copper. Their body contains aspartic acid, glutamine, alanine, arginine, glycine, cysteine and others.

Sepia cleaning

Unfortunately, in the native water basins there is no way to catch fresh cuttlefish. However, such seafood delicacies are sold in large retail chains, and they are usually cleaned. This makes it much easier for the cooks, as I only have to be thawed and washed. However, if you come across uncleaned cuttlefish, you will have to be patient, as processing is not the easiest and fastest task.

For starters, you will need to find the sepia bone, which is located in the body of the mollusk and looks like a tile. She pulls carefully, the idea being to come out whole. Then the head is pulled out, and the entrails should come out with it. The ink bag is also removed very carefully. Cuttlefish skin is also removed. To do this, it must be rubbed until it begins to peel.

Once the shell begins to separate, it is completely removed and discarded. The cleaned meat is washed well and dried. It is ready for further processing. When cleaning cuttlefish, it is a good idea to wear gloves, as the ink it produces can stain your hands.

Cooking cuttlefish

The meat of cuttlefish is nutritious and delicious. In addition, it does not require prolonged heat treatment. If cleaned and prepared properly, it becomes a temptation it cannot resist. Since it is available on the domestic market in a cleaned and frozen state, it is enough to simply thaw it in lukewarm water. The meat is then cut and used in various dishes.

Baked cuttlefish
Baked cuttlefish

Sepia meat is especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine. It is consumed boiled, baked or fried. A wide variety of cuttlefish specialties are present in Chinese and Japanese cuisine, and among these peoples the meat is consumed dried and marinated.

Combine with all vegetables and season with black pepper, marjoram, lemon juice, paprika, garlic. Of course, you can add other toppings, depending on your personal preferences. In most of the specialties cuttlefish is combined with other seafood.

Benefits of cuttlefish

Meat contains a large amount of nutrients that we need to take in order for our body to function successfully and to be resistant to viruses and stress. Cuttlefish is a source of vitamins A, B5, B6, B12 and C. According to scientists, in some respects the meat of cuttlefish surpasses even beef and river fish meat. Consumption of cuttlefish improves metabolism and helps get rid of toxins.

Eating this seafood delicacy supports the immune and cardiovascular systems. Sepia ink is part of some homeopathic remedies that are prescribed for a number of diseases, including asthma, constipation, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, urinary tract problems, white flow, dysmenorrhea, frigidity, infertility in women, skin problems, alopecia.

The substance that produces cuttlefish has been known to mankind for many centuries. For centuries it has been used as an ink and also as a paint because of its brown color. Cuttlefish secretion is also used in cooking to color rice, spaghetti and other foods. In some countries, even a sepia bone formation resembling a tile is used. It contains a large amount of limestone and therefore serves as a food additive in animal husbandry.