Healing Recipes With Cod

Healing Recipes With Cod
Healing Recipes With Cod

The weed, which has plagued farmers for years, is actually an herb. Yes, its rhizomes are part of a number of medicinal recipes.

Cod is mainly used for grassing and fodder. However, its roots are used as an herb. For this purpose, they are collected in early spring. Wash, drain well and allow to dry in well-ventilated rooms. They are ready when they start making a popping sound when broken.

The resulting dry herb is used for infertility, cough, rheumatism, sand in the kidneys and bladder, prostate problems, liver disease, inflammation of the intestines and constipation. For this purpose, 2 tbsp. spoons of the herb boil in water for 5-10 minutes. The mixture is filtered and taken three times a day at 100 g before meals.

In folk medicine, cod is the main remedy for constipation. It has a diuretic effect as it increases the blood supply to the kidneys. In addition, it contains mucous substances and saponins. For maximum effect, a tincture of cod is prepared. It is obtained by soaking 20 g of rhizomes of the herb in 250 ml of water. Take 1 cup of coffee 2-3 times a day.

Cod also helps with coughs. For this purpose, squeeze the cob and boil it in water for 15 minutes. Drink one cup of the decoction in the morning, noon and evening. For maximum effect, it is combined with lubricating the throat with olive oil, as well as its internal intake - a little.

In case of kidney stones, squeeze the cob and put it in a pot of boiling water for about 3-4 minutes. When ready, strain and drink as a cup of tea in the morning and evening.

Cod is also included in prescriptions for acne. For this purpose, mix the leaves of garden violet, mallow blossom, cob, chamomile, medicinal butterbur, arnica and violet.

2 tsp of the mixture is poured with 1/4 liter of lukewarm water. Leave for 3 to 5 hours with frequent stirring, then strain. For drinking tea is warmed and 6 to 8 weeks drink 2 cups a day of unsweetened tea. To clean the skin, the tea is warmed to 40 ° C. A piece of cotton is soaked in it, which slightly moistens the affected areas or removes the crusts.

In the same way, a recipe is performed, which includes cob, garden violet leaves, horsetail leaves and nettle leaves. The tea is taken 3 cups a day, unsweetened, for 4 to 8 weeks.

Cod can also be found under the company of herbal tea and food supplement.
