

The hellebore / Veratrum Lobelianum Berhn / is a perennial herbaceous plant that has a straight stem. It blooms in June-August. It grows near swampy and wet places, around rivers and swamps.

The roots of hellebore are numerous and cordate. Its leaves are large and envelop the stem with its base. The flowers of hellebore are yellow-green with a dark vein.

The fruit is a three-nested box that has flattened winged seeds. The usable part of hellebore are the roots with the rhizomes.

Composition of hellebore

The roots and rhizomes of the herb contain alkaloids of steroidal nature; alkamines / primary, germin, protoveratrin, germin /. The composition of hellebore also includes starch, sugar, resin.

Collection and storage of hellebore

The rhizomes are taken out in the autumn - the months of September and October, when the plant begins to wither. They can also be removed in early spring / March-April /, before the full development of the plant. The removed rhizomes are cleaned and dried in a dry and ventilated place.

Chemerika plant
Chemerika plant

Well dried rhizomes of hellebore they are gray-brown on the outside and gray-whitish on the inside. They have a sharp characteristic smell and a burning bitter taste. The herb can also be purchased from pharmacies in dried form.

Benefits of hellebore

The main action of hellebore is hypotensive - lowers blood pressure. The alkaloids contained in hellebore have a strong hypotensive effect, lasting about 4-6 hours.

Dried hellebore is used to treat hair loss. For this purpose, 1 tbsp. of the herb boil for 5 minutes in 250 ml of vinegar. The resulting decoction is filtered and rubbed into the hair roots, once a day for a week. After a break of several days, the procedure can be repeated.

Another way to prepare the herb is to boil 1 tsp. dried roots in 500 ml of water. Allow to simmer for two hours, then strain the liquid and rub into the hair 30 minutes before bathing.

Chemerika is applied externally not only for hair loss and persistent dandruff. It is used to lubricate gout and shingles. Folk medicine also uses hellebore for stomach and intestinal pain, Alzheimer's disease, mental problems and more.

Herb Chemerika
Herb Chemerika

Harmworm damage

Oral administration of hellebore is prohibited because the plant is highly toxic. It is recommended to be used only for external use and under the supervision of a doctor, because it can lead to death. The herb is used in various combinations with other alkaloids.

Intoxication with hellebore begins with irritation and burning of the mucous membranes of the mouth, soft palate, esophagus and stomach. Persistent vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

Typical symptoms are fatigue, cold limbs, tremor. They gradually intensify and may end in collapse, seizures and respiratory paralysis. If such symptoms occur, help should be sought immediately.

Even for the treatment of hair loss by rubbing into the hair, hellebore should be used very carefully and under the supervision of a specialist. Although it is effective for hair loss, there is a risk of using this herb.
