Products For Young Skin

Products For Young Skin
Products For Young Skin

Beauty must be maintained not only on the outside but also on the inside. Fruits handle this best. In order for the skin to be elastic, collagen is responsible.

The main supplier of collagen is vitamin C, which is not produced by the body. But it can be obtained in large quantities from food.

Vitamin C is found in oranges, lemons, raspberries, strawberries, rose hips. Drink rosehip tea regularly and your skin will always be young and supple.

To make your skin look fresh and radiant, it needs antioxidants, and more specifically vitamin E. It restores the protective layer of the skin.

In addition, this vitamin renews cells and improves complexion. It is contained in good face creams. Most vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, liver, eggs, legumes, Brussels sprouts, green vegetables, cherries, apple and pear seeds, sunflower seeds and peanuts.

Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast

In winter, many women complain of chapped lips. This is due to both the cold weather and the lack of vitamin B2, which is necessary for healthy skin.

Vitamin B2 is also found in yeast, eggs, almonds, mushrooms, cottage cheese, milk, pasta, white bread. Usually the lack of vitamin B2 is due to insufficient consumption of milk and dairy products.

To have a beautiful complexion on your face, you need to replenish your body with vitamin A. It is found in large quantities in carrots and in all orange fruits.

Remember that vitamin A is fat-soluble and is absorbed by the body only in the presence of fat. Season the carrot salad with olive oil to benefit from the orange vegetables.
