Vanilla In Cooking

Vanilla In Cooking
Vanilla In Cooking

Vanilla is added to various desserts. Alcoholic drinks with vanilla are also made. If you add vanilla to powdered sugar, you get a very tender and fragrant powdered sugar.

With it you will refresh and decorate different types of cakes and cupcakes. You can easily make vanilla ice cream. You need half a liter of milk, three egg yolks, one hundred grams of sugar and three vanilla.

The yolks are mixed with sugar in a bowl, and the bowl is placed in a large bowl with hot water to thicken the mixture. Heat half of the milk in another bowl, add the vanilla and pour the milk over the yolks.

The whole mixture was heated on a water bath for ten minutes with constant stirring. Then remove from the heat, add the remaining milk and cool the mixture.

The cooled mixture is placed in a freezer in a suitable container, but before the final freezing it is taken out of the freezer several times and stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Vanilla in cooking
Vanilla in cooking

You can break the ice cream with a whisk. The more times you take it out of the freezer and break it, the softer the ice cream will be.

Vanilla pudding is a delicious dessert that is enjoyed by people of all ages. For four servings you need half a liter of fresh milk 60 grams of flour, 180 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

The milk is warmed slightly and added in a thin stream with constant stirring to the pre-mixed flour, salt and sugar. Heat on the hob until thickened, stirring constantly.

Pour half of the hot mixture into the beaten raw eggs, stir and pour back into the remaining mixture. Heat until it starts to boil.

Beat well with a whisk, add butter and vanilla and pour into molds rinsed with cold water. Once cooled, turn and decorate with a cherry jam or a piece of fruit.

You can improve the taste of milk with vanilla on the tip of a knife. Add vanilla to black tea and it will acquire a very interesting aroma.
