We Eat Fake Ham

We Eat Fake Ham
We Eat Fake Ham

The ham that native meat processors offer is a mass counterfeit, as it is not produced from dried pork leg meat, but from different cuts. Gelatin was even added to the ham illegally.

Bulgarian ham is very far from the traditional taste of dried and richly salted pork leg meat. The sausage companies in our country produce the delicacy from different cuts, and in it they must add gelatin or another ingredient with the consistency of starch.

The famous E's have been added to our ham, and some of the manufacturers cleverly do not write them on the label so that the goods can be sold.

Native ham is made from different pieces of meat that are glued together with gelatin or another similar substance that will hold them together. Thus, the taste of sausage is more like ordinary salami, but is sold as ham.

An owner of a meat processing company admits to the newspaper Vseki Den that the sausage is produced in this way due to the higher price of pork leg.

Ham rolls
Ham rolls

To save money, meat processors are looking for alternative ways to prepare the meat delicacy, and in the end, as always, consumers are the victims.

The ham is assembled from cheap cuts of meat, and if the pieces are very poor quality, they are simply better digested and reused. Gelatin is then added to the meat to make the familiar ham.

In addition, research shows that the sausage is full of water. An investigation by a signal from the organization Active Consumers showed that the water content in some brands of ham exceeds 80%. For comparison, the fresh water content of fresh pork must not exceed 65%.

And despite a series of tests proving that manufacturers are abusing the added water, there is still no standard in place to impose sanctions for registered violations.

The organization says that through modern technology, producers can add various phosphate and nitrate salts to retain water in the meat.
