Leek Has Antibacterial Action

Leek Has Antibacterial Action
Leek Has Antibacterial Action

Leek is extremely useful for our health, but often remains underestimated. As tasty as it is, many of us limit its use due to its specific smell.

The healing benefits of leeks have been known to humans since ancient times. It contains essential oil, proteins, carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, cellulose, enzymes and many vitamins.

Most valued is its high potassium content and very low sodium (salt) content. It contains mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus and iron, 18 amino acids, among which is one of the most important for humans - cystine.

The most common medicinal use of leeks is for a cold. It is also used in folk medicine as a diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys and helps the body excrete water.

Leek has only 23 calories per 100 g and no fat. Therefore, it is a good food for obesity, edema, gout, kidney stones and more.

It has a laxative effect by stimulating intestinal peristalsis. The low levels of sugars and the high content of proteins and vitamins make it a suitable food for diabetics.


Leek is a good antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Used for intestinal infections and viruses. For colds it is recommended to take at least three times a day raw leeks.

Folic acid is extremely important for pregnant women. And in leeks it is found in large doses. It is also recommended for atherosclerosis.

The intake of leeks helps digestion, works well on the heart and has purifying effect on the body. It has a cleansing and disinfecting effect, diuretic, removes toxins, regenerates the skin and stimulates vitality.

To enjoy all the benefits of leeks, you can eat it both raw and cooked. The white part is the most delicious, and the green leaves are most often used in soups and stews.

It has a softer and sweeter taste than onions and is usually used in salads. It is often added to meat dishes, as it can replace onions in almost all recipes with leeks.
