The Nose And Mouth Appreciate The Wine

The Nose And Mouth Appreciate The Wine
The Nose And Mouth Appreciate The Wine

Professional wine tasters mostly use their nose and mouth to determine the qualities of the drink. One of the most important methods is the so-called "first nose".

Pour wine from the bottle into a glass and without spinning and stirring, you should exhale sharply and then inhale the aroma of the wine.

The goal is to sense the barely perceptible volatile substances that change rapidly under the action of oxygen, and also to determine the degree of their intensity.

Very often, after opening the bottle, the parasitic odor formed in the bottle, residual aromas of sulfur, fermentation and sediment are felt.

The "second nose" method is to turn the glass, holding it by the stool, to saturate the wine as richly as possible with oxygen and free it from possible carbon dioxide residues.


This releases aromatic substances. Experts say that in this way the wine is fully revealed. Then you have to put your nose in the glass and inhale.

"The third nose" - under the influence of oxygen in the wine complex chemical processes occur and its properties are constantly changing at the expense of the loss of volatile substances.

Some experts leave the wine in the glass for 14 hours. It is much easier to pour the wine and inhale the aroma left in the empty glass. This can be called the "fourth nose".

Take a sip of wine, but do not swallow it. Let it stand in your mouth. The first sensation that wine evokes when it enters your mouth is called an attack. If the wine is good, the attack is clear.

Swirl the wine in your mouth like a ball, and without dissolving your teeth, it causes the wine to warm up in your mouth and release more and more aromatic substances.

At this point, the wine seems to bloom in the mouth, this is called the peacock tail effect. Then you can analyze the whole taste range: sweetness, acidity, tartness, as well as consistency: light, dense, buttery.
