The Sauce Is The Chef's Weapon

The Sauce Is The Chef's Weapon
The Sauce Is The Chef's Weapon

I call it magic! The sauce in addition to meat or vegetables enchants with its taste. Properly prepared, it touches the senses. For the perfect sauce you need not only products, but also knowledge of which ingredient and spice to combine with what.

As the saying goes, sauce is the chef's weapon, it can elevate you to the highest level, but it can also fail you.

We, as a people who love good food, are used to having a sauce, it is different to melt a piece of warm homemade bread in a tasty and fragrant sauce.

There are several commonly used sauces that can be prepared at home and combined properly, will turn you into a culinary wizard.

Keep in mind that sauces can be hot and cold, they must be at the temperature of the dish to which you will add them.

Tatar sauce

Finely chop a few cucumbers and a few boiled egg whites. Add them to the mayonnaise, add the parsley and season with salt and pepper. Serve with roasted and boiled chicken.

Tartar sauce
Tartar sauce

Garlic sauce

Add chopped garlic, salt and olive oil to the yoghurt. Use for pasta.

Fish sauce

Add a teaspoon of mustard, dill to the mayonnaise and finely chop fresh onions. Stir and put sliced boiled egg, season with salt, black and a little red pepper.

Tartar sauce

Mix mayonnaise with pickles, boiled egg white, onion and some marinated mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper and dill and stir. Serve with cold meat and fish dishes.

Green sauce (Salsa Verde)

Finely chop the parsley, fresh onion and basil. Add a teaspoon of capers and two fillets of anchovies. Crush a clove of garlic, squeeze the lemon juice and add olive oil. Mix well and serve with chicken and vegetables.

Bearnes sauce

Put 50 ml of vinegar, a few grains of pepper, finely chopped shallots (onions), tarragon in a saucepan on the stove to boil when the liquid has evaporated in half, strain and mix in a water bath with three beaten egg yolks. Stir vigorously until white and add 200 g of melted butter in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Season with salt and pepper. Use for meat and boiled eggs.


Melt 50 g of butter in a saucepan on the stove and add the same amount of flour. Fry until golden for a few minutes, remove from the heat and, stirring constantly in a thin stream, add half a liter of warm milk. Season with salt and white pepper and place on the stove. Cook to the desired density, stirring constantly so as not to burn.


These are examples of a small part of the sauces that will diversify and improve the taste and appearance of your dishes.
