Health Benefits Of Kamut

Health Benefits Of Kamut
Health Benefits Of Kamut

Kamut or also called Egyptian wheat is a tasty addition to the daily diet. Kamut is a large grain that can be ground into flour, flaked or cooked like rice.

This cereal is sold freely and can replace wheat flour, as it is found in the form of dry grains, bread, biscuits and others. Kamut provides a significant amount of protein, fiber, and minerals, fat is low, and cholesterol is completely absent.

The protein ingredient in this type of wheat is important for maintaining healthy tissues, for transporting oxygen in the body and strengthening the immune system. Its effects on cholesterol, whose values decrease with the consumption of kamut, have been proven. This cereal also fights type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), as well as helping the digestive system.

Fiber is also valuable because it reduces the risk of obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer and more.

The kamut is rich in selenium and manganese. These two minerals function as antioxidants and prevent the occurrence of genetic mutations and damage to cells by free radicals. They help maintain hormonal balance in the body, as manganese is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, supports the health of the nervous system, regulates blood sugar levels and calcium absorption. Selenium, in turn, controls thyroid function.

Cooking on kamut
Cooking on kamut

Kamut also contains enough magnesium and zinc - also very important for the normal functioning of the body. Zinc maintains a healthy immune system and a well-functioning thyroid gland, while magnesium strengthens bone density, prevents the development of diabetes, heart failure, osteoporosis, depression.

The kamut It also contains vitamin B3 (niacin), which is involved in the synthesis of endocrine hormones and in maintaining a healthy nervous system. It, like other B vitamins, is vital for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. With regular intake of kamut, the body is protected from cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes and diseases of the skeletal system.

Due to all its positive qualities and health benefits, kamut is recommended for use. It can be used as a base for salads, pilaf, and if you grind it in a blender, you can eat an indispensable and useful porridge.
