How To Make A Savings

How To Make A Savings
How To Make A Savings

Cooking a pestle is an old Bulgarian tradition, which, it turns out, has not been forgotten to this day. If you are tired of the forgotten taste and you want to remember your grandmother's delicious savings, you can make it yourself.

It is traditionally made from prunes, but you can also use other fruits such as junipers, apples, quinces, apricots and other delicious and healthy fruits.

Let's make a saving of prunes

You only need ten kilograms of prunes and a little vegetable fat. Wash the plums and remove the stones. Then you have to press them to get a fruit puree. Place them in a suitable pan and cook the porridge on the fire until it thickens.

The thick mixture is spread on a cloth or nylon, which you have previously smeared with vegetable oil. The layer of fruit mixture should not be higher than 1 cm. The pestle stays like this until it dries, then it is rolled up and stored in a dry place.

Let's make an apple saver

How to make a savings
How to make a savings

Get 10 kg. apples and cut them. Clean them of seeds and boil them with a little water. Once the pieces are soft enough, pass them through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mixture. You should add sugar, and its weight should be equal to the weight of the fruit puree.

Put the mixture on the fire using a suitable pan and cook, stirring constantly. When the pestle begins to separate from the walls of the pan, remove it from the heat and transfer it to another pan, pre-greased with vegetable oil. The layer should be about a centimeter thin.

Then place the pan in a low oven to dry. Once the pestle is completely ready, roll it up and try to find a dry and ventilated place where you can store it for a longer time.

The pestle is served cut into thin pieces.
