Snake Wine

Snake Wine
Snake Wine

Snake wine is an exotic alcoholic beverage. It surpasses all other drinks in that there is a whole venomous snake in the bottle in which the alcohol is sold. The unusual beer originates from Asia and in particular from Vietnam.

Other countries where the extravagant drink is offered are Japan, Korea and Thailand. Snake wine, which is prepared in an interesting way, is considered a male drink and is especially popular for its aphrodisiac properties, and not only among Asian peoples.

History of snake wine

Snake wine is a product that has an ancient history. According to ancient chronicles, this product was prepared among Asian peoples centuries ago. The first producers of the drink lived during the time of the Chinese Zhou dynasty. The Asian borders are inhabited by many venomous snakes.

In Southeast Asia, the snake is identified with longevity and wisdom. This gives rise to the understanding that in order to gain strength, one must drink a liquid in which a venomous snake has remained. Over time, the recipe has changed and improved.

To date, the production of snake wine is strongly represented in the village of Le Mat, located just a few kilometers from the city of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. The villagers have become true professionals in hunting dangerous poisonous reptiles. It is a curious fact that a snake wine festival is even organized in the village. The region is of great interest to people from local towns and villages, as well as foreign tourists.

Snake wines are available throughout the area, looking as attractive as possible. In fact, almost every family there exhibits jars of snakes in front of their homes. The bigger and more colorful the snake, the more spectacular the vision of the wine bottle. Some tourists admit that they buy this item not to consume it, but simply as an item to put in their home.

Preparation of snake wine

Snake wine
Snake wine

In the preparation of snake wine follow a long-written recipe. The most important component of the drink is a snake. If this ingredient is missing, the wine will not have the necessary qualities, and in addition, its exoticism will be lost. According to the recipe, the reptile that will be placed in the bottle with the alcohol must be highly poisonous.

Among the snakes preferred for this purpose is the cobra. However, before being placed in the wine, the reptile must be caught and killed. It can also be purchased in this form from a retailer. In addition to snakes, lizards, scorpions and other insects are also placed. The composition of snake wine also includes roots, spices and various herbs.

The rice wine in which the snake was soaked can be consumed only after a few months. The reptile must have been in the alcohol for some time and released its venom. For this purpose, the bottles with the extravagant elixir are placed in a dark place.

The longer the wine matures, the more its color changes. At some point, the drink is already pink, because the reptile's blood has flowed into it. Fermented snake blood can also be used to make snake liqueur.

In fact, snake venom is the most important and valuable ingredient in the drink. And although many people get chills at the thought of consuming this type of alcohol, the manufacturers claim that the drink is completely harmless.

According to scientists, snake venom is protein-based and the alcohol in alcohol breaks it down into safe components. However, in most countries in the European Union, as well as in the United States, such drinks are banned. The reason is that the production of snake wine kills reptiles that are endangered.

Serving snake wine

Snake wine does not perform the functions of most of the drinks we consume. It is not an addition to another fresh salad or appetizing beef steak. It is consumed mainly for its medicinal purposes. Acquaintances recall that it is taken in small sips and in small quantities. Traditionally, alcohol is poured into small cups.

Benefits of snake wine

According to Asian folk medicine, the intake of snake wine has a tonic effect on the whole organism. The alcoholic beverage is also famous for its antibacterial properties. It has a warming and relaxing effect. Some use it to treat rheumatism and sprains.

As already mentioned, snake wine is famous mainly for its aphrodisiac properties. According to acquaintances, it supplies the consumer with such sexual power that even the most expensive blue pill cannot give. In addition, unlike most medicines, snake wine has no side effects. Snake rice wine is also said to have the ability to cure hair loss.

Harms from snake wine

Although the consumption of snake wine to cause side effects, a Chinese woman was recently injured while trying to pour herself a drink. The woman was attacked by a snake that had been aged in a bottle of rice wine for three months. It is not clear how the snake, which was allegedly killed, managed to survive for three months in the alcoholic solution. Fortunately, the woman was not seriously injured and survived.
