Storage Of Grapes

Storage Of Grapes
Storage Of Grapes

It is quite possible to store tasty and useful grapes at home. There are several ways to do this.

Choose a room or room on the ground floor or in the cellar. It should be well sealed, with a little glazed area. It is good that the window is not larger than 30/40 cm. The selected room is disinfected with boiled milk and smoked with sulfur 3-4 g / m3.

It would be best to build or place racks. In this way the cubature of the room would be most fully used. If not, get crates. They are arranged in height, up to 2 m - 10 pcs. Of course, the crates must first be thoroughly washed and fumigated.

The grapes are cleaned and washed and arranged in crates. It is brought into the room, and the "charging" of the room must be completed by the evening. According to the capacity of the room, in one or two places on the aisle, which is left, powdered sulfur mixed with dry paper is placed on a shovel or sheet metal.


Immediately before the final closing of the door and the window of the room, the sulfur ignites. The ignition itself must take place from the far side to the exit, so as not to suffocate the person.

Such smoking with ignited sulfur is carried out each time grapes are taken from storage. If you put the grapes at the end of the season and the created specific gas chamber is not broken too often, it can last until the end of March.

Wine and grapes
Wine and grapes

Another method of storing grapes in our country is known as "dry bunch". The bunches are placed in crates arranged on floors. Traffic paths are left between them or hung on pre-stretched wires. The selected room is pre-disinfected with sulfur dioxide or formaldehyde.

During the first days the room is ventilated in dry and cool hours of the day so that the grapes do not rot. In the following ones it closes well, as the excess moisture is removed by hygroscopic compounds - calcium chloride, quicklime and others. It is good to monitor the humidity with a hygrometer or a thermo-hygrograph. It should average between 70 and 80%.

If you do not need large quantities of grapes, you can store small ones in porous materials, such as dry sand, cork bran, sawdust and more. When the grapes are placed in such materials, the evaporation of water decreases and the freshness of the grains is preserved for a longer time - up to several months.
