Don't Throw Away The Avocado Nut! It Can Protect You From Cancer

Don't Throw Away The Avocado Nut! It Can Protect You From Cancer
Don't Throw Away The Avocado Nut! It Can Protect You From Cancer

You've probably heard of the countless benefits of eating avocados, but you'll be surprised that every element of this fruit has a positive effect on health, even the peel of its nut.

A new study by a team of scientists from the University of Texas has shown that the compounds in the scales, which are most often discarded, can protect you from cancer, accumulation of fat in blood vessels and heart disease, reports the site PhysOrg.

Although previously considered a waste product, the shell of the nut is a real treasure because of the compounds in it, says Debashish Bandiopadiai, head of the US study.

The crushed skins of 300 avocado nuts were examined and oil and wax were prepared from them. 116 useful compounds of flake oil and 16 of wax have been reported in laboratories.

Among the most important compounds that will keep you healthy are heptacosan, which prevents the development of tumors, dodecanol acid, which increases good blood cholesterol, and docanazole, which stimulates immunity.

Avocado peel
Avocado peel

Research also proves that daily consumption of avocados will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and help you fight excess weight.

The reason is that avocados are rich in unsaturated fats, which maintain the feeling of satiety and improve the work of the heart and cardiovascular system.

The fruit is also rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts and maintain clarity in the focus of vision.
