Acai - The Wonder Of The Amazon

Acai - The Wonder Of The Amazon
Acai - The Wonder Of The Amazon

Acai - also called the "fruit of beauty", are small fruits with a purple color, originating from the rainforests of South America. They are extremely rich in fiber, protein and vitamins with high antioxidant power.

What are the qualities of Acai Berry and what benefits does it bring to our health?

They are considered the most useful fruits of the Amazon. Acai fruits are the offspring of a palm tree that grows in this part of the globe, mainly in the northern forests of Brazil. The scientific name of the plant is Euterpe oleracea and it belongs to the family of palm plants.

fruit acai
fruit acai

The plant can reach 20-30 meters in height and has feathery leaves that are over 2 meters long. Small fruits hang from the leaves. Recognition for the "most useful fruits of the whole Amazon" was given only recently, after a botanical study leading to the establishment of the properties and nutritional values of the fruit.

Initially, the fruit was used only to treat digestive problems or skin diseases, but then the properties of the fruit, discovered by scientists who study and study the Amazon rainforest in depth, have proven that the fruit has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effects.

The fruits have been consumed for centuries by various Amazonian tribes, as well as by Brazilians living around the marshy areas. The fruits have a shape that is very similar to that of blueberries and flavors that are close to chocolate.

Today, demand for acai has increased significantly. It was found that the properties of this fruit are active for 24 hours after collection. So Acai berries should be loaded into baskets and transported immediately after collection. At collection points, this operation is carried out at night so that they are on the market in the morning.

Benefits of acai

acai pudding
acai pudding

Antioxidants: Due to the presence of anthocyanins, Acai berry fights free radicals and prevents premature aging.

Anti-inflammatory: The large amount of sterols in these fruits provide effective anti-inflammatory action. In addition, acai fruits support the immune system and prevent allergic reactions.

In addition to protecting the body from the attacks of free radicals, these fruits have anti-cancer properties. The polyphenols in Acai fruit help reduce and spread cancer cells - up to 86%. In fact, the substances in the fruit remove the tumor cells before they spread further.

Amazonian fruits also have soothing properties, help regulate stress levels. Some studies suggest that the characteristic symptoms of menopause can be prevented.

They also improve potency - with their deep effect on blood vessels, which lead to greater blood circulation to the genitals, especially in men.
